


Created in 1998 in partnership with INSA Lyon (France) and the Faculty of Sciences & Techniques (FST) of Tangier, the National School of Applied Sciences of Tangier (ENSAT) is a public institution under the Abdelmalek Essaâdi University and whose main mission is to train multi-skilled and innovative State Engineers. ENSA Tangier leads a policy of excellence at all levels. First of Morocco's ENSAs to be created with a strong ambition to open up to the socio-economic environment, ENSA Tangier is now setting itself a new challenge: to strengthen and consolidate its position among the best higher education establishments. technologies of Morocco. The ENSA of Tangier is an engineering school with post-baccalaureate recruitment which trains engineers in five years in 5 specialties:

The pedagogical architecture of ENSA Tangier is articulated around two cycles: an   integrated 2-year  Preparatory Cycle (i.e. 4 semesters) and a 3-year Engineering Cycle  (i.e. 6 semesters).

Informations Générales

Nombre des étudiants 1000
Cité universitaire Fille et Garçon
Restaurant Fille et Garçon
Adresse ENSA de Tanger Cité Universitaire de Ziaten, Route de Ziaten km 10, Tanger B.P. 1818, 90000 Tanger Principale
Téléphones 0539393744
